Sunday, November 15, 2009

Review of Yesterday at Cheatham St Warehouse

Just a quick writeup of yesterday's Country Music Marathon at Cheatham St Warehouse.
First Momar Music and their employees and volunteers did a great job keeping things running smoothly and raising money. Second, I'd like to thank all of the bands and songwriters that gave their time and talent to raise money for a great cause.

Clint Martin kicked off the day with his great dancehall band. They kept the place rocking, which is tough to do at 2pm on a Saturday afternoon. This is a band you really need to get out to see live. There were bands and songwriters throughout the day, keeping the crowd entertained. Raffles were held throughout the day, giving guests a chance to win audio equipment, guitars, amplifiers, and other music equipment. All of the prizes were donated by Momar Music. Some of the other highlights of the day were: Big John Mills and the texas Roaddawgs, Emerson Biggens, and Pearl Street Riot.

Friday, November 13, 2009

I've been awa for a while due to computer problems. I'm working on a few cd reviews, and should have them posted shortly.

Here's a message from Kent Finlay, owner of Cheatham St Warehouse:


Good news! When Momar Music of San Antonio learned of the Cheatham Street Music Foundation, its mission and its fund raising efforts, they called and said they wanted to help in a major way -- and then they proceeded go to work to do just that. I am "blown away" by their generosity and what they are doing this week-end. I hope you can come out be a part of it too. Here is some basic information about what they are doing for us.

MOMAR MUSIC GOES TO BAT FOR CSMF -- ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, MOMAR MUSIC OF SAN ANTONIO WILL SPONSOR A FREE, TWELVE HOUR "COUNTRY MUSIC MARATHON" AT THE HISTORIC CHEATHAM STREET WAREHOUSE. This event will feature more than fifteen bands playing from 2 pm till 2 am to benefit the Cheatham Street Music Foundation 501(c)(3) . The bands, provided by Momar Music, are providing their services free of charge.

In addition, THOUSANDS of DOLLARS worth of MUSIC GEAR including guitars, amps, stage wedge monitors, PA speakers, Marshall acoustic guitar amps, home surround sound systems, car audio systems, and other prizes will be raffled off -- and all proceeds will go to help the Cheatham Street Music Foundation carry out its goals.

The amazing thing is that when someone buys a raffle ticket, they will get the cost of the ticket returned in gift certificates from Momar Music -- so the raffle tickets are basically FREE !

The Cheatham Street Music Foundation 501(c)(3) is a non profit organization dedicated to the development, promotion, preservation, perpetuation, and celebration of Texas Music, with special emphasis on the development of Texas songwriters.

I hope you can come out Saturday and enjoy the music . . . and maybe win a Marshall amp or something.

See you,