Monday, May 18, 2009

Monday night at Cheatham St Warehouse

So, I'm sitting here drinking a $1 pint of cold Shiner Bock, listening to the live Happy Hour Show of Missoula Slim. Missoula is the musical nom de plume of San Marcos lawyer John Gilliam, who is currently recording his first Missoula Slim CD. He's a great songwriter, writes witty and clever songs. Bigfest meeting to follow, where we'll discuss the upcpming 3 day music festival/fundraiser for the Cheatham St Music Foundation.

Tonight there will be a 3 man song swap featuring upcoming songwriter Jason Bednorz, who's currently in the studio with producer Keith Davis, Texas Renegade's Andy Bertelsen, and Nathan Daniel, who recently released his first CD, Crazy World, which was also produced by Keith Davis. It should be a great night of music, and there is no cover.

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